Sunday, November 1, 2009

Convert Muslim salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh...
before I say my story, I just wanted to say that being a non-muslim in the past and then finding Islaam is just as beautiful as being born and raised in a muslim home.. I spent 24 years of my life going to church and found no rest in myself...until I went to a musjid and prayed to Allah swa.... :)

When I was 24, I met a guy and he shortly afterwards became my b/f. I went to church 3 times a week at that point. One day, me and him were outside and he was talking to his mother on the phone.. he gave his salams and it confused me as I didn't know he was a muslim. When I found out and he got off the phone, I told him that I know "his" beat their wives, make them cover like "that" and oppress them. Surprisingly, he didn't get mad!! (may Allah reward him for that) and he cleared things up. That night, I figured Islaam deserved at least a second looking into seeing as I based all muslims on the wrong evidences. I asked him the next day to tell me more and he showed me a book he was reading (a reminder for the people with knowledge) and it looked interesting, so I asked him to tell me everything he knew because maybe (I lied...I had NO that time) I wanted to become a muslim (I just wanted to see what he'd say). He told me to go to some store down the road and get some books because if I wanted to learn about Islaam, it should be something that I should do for me by myself and he promised if I had questions after reading that he would answer then. (knowing my personality, he approached it the right

So, I got the books and learned...I asked about women wearing scarves and he explained it in such a way that even as a non-muslim, I saw the importance in wearing I did. A few weeks later (and much more reading) I met a sister at a dollar store and she became my first sister/friend. I learned more and then one day, decided to become a muslim myself.. alhumdulillah!!! I got an abaya (so I could look the took a shower and went to her house before going for Jummah (which was also the first time I went into a musjid) I remember her asking me if I made wudu before we left and I had NO idea what she was talking took me like 20 minutes to finish!! We went to the musjid and I had practiced the basic La illaha illallah muhammadur rasullullah, but when we got in the prayer hall infront of all the sisters and my friend told them I was taking shihada, I COMPLETELY forgot it!! I was so overwhelmed at how far I had come that I started crying..a few sisters hugged me and I took my shihada. Jummah came right afterwards and my b/f at the time had prayed in the same room with me previously, so I knew the actions (but not the words..other than Allahu akbar). I prayed my first prayer as a muslim at Islamic Foundation on Nugget.. I went downstairs afterwards where I said it again and got a certificate that they told me to bring when I went for hajj and I got my first Qur'an and some books about salat for women and miracles in Islaam. I went to P4E and looked around and that night I slept better than I ever had before!! I felt so light and at peace inside!! that boyfriend I had? we got married....and alhumdulillah, he's my's been 2 years this May...alhumdulillah!!! and that is a basic story of how I came to Islaam...

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